Well what a flurry of activity. Hardly time to read email let alone cut and paste into the blog.
The picture on market capitalisations I liked. It really helped put into perspective some of the perceptions we have of exchange size.
The thought of the ASX, a 2 trillion a year market, having the same market cap as a merged LSE TMX just doesn’t sound right.
Of course with all the deals, decoupling sovereignty from business will be the issue.
I think Australia will watch NYSE / DB for a lead.
All the mergers do create a ‘momentum’ for consolidation, and I thought that Aussie political sentiment would swing to be more pro ASX /SGX merger. Apparently not. Even with a trading halt this week to announce ‘tweaks’ to the governance arrangements of the deal. If it was a one party political decision I think they’d get it over the line. With a teetering coalition in place, it remains any ones guess.
I was also surprised to see the Chi-X Europe / BATS merger accurately reported in the local Sydney press....along with speculation of an ICE / Nasdaq deal.
I do like the commodity play of LSE. Add to TMX the Mongolian deal and Millennium as the platform (for consolidation) in Sth Africa and a real strategy starts to take place. (They’re still too weak in Clearing).
Did a little looking into the G20. Interesting that neither Singapore or HK, so often associated with Asia are not amongst the Asian members although Korea is.
A little rant of disaster hit Australia. What did they ever expect....
Dorothea Mackellar (1885 - 1968)
Yes, born over 100 years ago wrote:
I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains….
Core of my heart, my country!
Land of the Rainbow Gold,
For flood and fire and famine,
She pays us back threefold-
Over the thirsty paddocks,
…I think there is a good chance that drought, fire, famine, floods might just be a trend.
Mathew Murphy and Paolo Hooke 3:00AM
Australians will pay higher insurance premiums if the recent spate of natural disasters becomes a trend.
Suncorp chief executive Patrick Snowball????
Mr Snowball said the challenge would involve considering the impact of global warming and what could be done to mitigate risk.
It’s true! Mr Snowball is worried about Global Warming. Real name! He’s there on the executive management!
Off to the Malabar Magic this week-end. Little disappointed they have changed the course from a journey swim to Little Harbour just down the coast, to a simple in and out. Sydney’s longbay jail is just around the corner.
Last week was the North Bondi Classic….(which is the same beach as Bondi)
And into the 6 nations:
Congrats to England, Ireland and France. Predictable on paper results.
Last week I wrote...: England (yep), Wales (yep) and France (yep!) (after Irelands slow start and an ascendant France).
Next round leaves the only hard decision...what the hell, France to win at Twickenham. (the match that calls the series).
So who will win the 6 Nations? A France repeat is my guess.
Simply based on the fact that Johnson’s roses did not punish Australia when they had the chance.
The bewildering Super15 also starts on Feb 18.
Apparently only Aussies link the new format draw which is based on a whole new format.
Explanation here: http://www.superxv.com/format/
Fixtures here:
Meanwhile, closer to home our own team efforts & ranking (just 1 spot away from the top 10)
Gotta go.
School reception.
Have a great week-end all.
NYSE Takeover Faces Touchy Issues
Big Board and German Exchange Announce Deal; Holding Company's Name to Be Determined
US exchange BATS to buy Chi-X Europe
On Thursday, Fox Business Network reported of a "possible partnership" between the tech-rich Nasdaq and the IntercontinentalExchange (ICE), specialised in raw materials and derivatives.
Fox said the discussions had reached "a critical stage" and that Nasdaq had hired Bank of America "to look at possible deals."
Spokespersons for ICE and Nasdaq, contacted by AFP, refused to comment on the report.
TURQUOISE TAKES ON NYSE EURONEXT WITH PRICE PROMOTION London Stock Exchange-owned MTF Turquoise has made a play for Nyse Euronext business with a six month pricing promotion on stocks listed on its rival.
Full story: http://www.finextra.com/news/fullstory.aspx?newsitemid=22241
LSE SIGNS JOHANNESBURG EXCHANGE TO MILLENNIUMIT The Johannesburg Stock Exchange has licensed the MillenniumIT technology platform from the LSE as it bids to cut transaction times and attract high-frequency traders.
Full story: http://www.finextra.com/news/fullstory.aspx?newsitemid=22238
The London Stock Exchange (LSE) has agreed an all share "merger of equals" with Canada's TMX Group, creating a global superpower that will have a strong technology emphasis.
More on this story: http://www.finextra.com/news/fullstory.aspx?newsitemid=22250
NYSE.EN InfoFlash: Postponement of implementation of adjusted FESE tick size table 4 for Dutch and French blue-chip stocks
The implementation of the adjusted tick size table for securities in trading groups 01 and J0, initially planned for 7 February 2011, is postponed pending regulatory approval.
NYSE.EN InfoFlash: Launch of a Supplemental Liquidity Provider programme on European blue chips
NYSE Euronext will introduce a Supplemental Liquidity Provider (SLP) programme on European blue chips listed on its Regulated Cash Markets from 1 March 2011.
EUROPEAN EXCHANGES UP THEIR GAME IN FACE OF DARK POOL COMPETITION - ITG European stock exchanges have become more efficient and slashed the cost of trading over the last year as they bid to fight off growing competition from a rash of post-MiFID dark pool and MTF competitors, according to research from ITG.
Full story: http://www.finextra.com/news/fullstory.aspx?newsitemid=22234
Full report: http://www.finextra.com/finextra-downloads/newsdocs/ITGATSsinEurope.pdf
MiFID II Response Brings to Light New Research on Dark Pools
Direct Edge Adds BATS' Y Exchange as Low-Cost Destination
Direct Edge said it is adding the BATS Global Markets Y Exchange as a low-cost destination for trades its systems handle. The operator of the EDGA and EDGX exchanges also said it is including the Y Exchange in a new low-fee strategy for routing orders, after its own books are checked
VEGA-CHI MTF GETS £1.6M OCTOPUS INVESTMENT Investment management firm Octopus has invested £1.6 million in Vega-Chi, an electronic trading platform dedicated to European convertible and high-yield bonds.
Full story: http://www.finextra.com/news/fullstory.aspx?newsitemid=22278
Platforms Asia
The ASX acid test
Tim Sheehy Most important to the ASX's integrity is the provision of a fair, informed market where prices reflect information. The question, then, is whether the new deal with the Singapore Exchange would provide this. 18 Feb 2011 9:55 AM read more
Chi-X Australia regulatory delays
Chi-X Australia Pty, which has received “in principle” government approval for a license and planned to begin operating by March, says it’s now unable to give a specific start date until the Australian Securities & Investments Commission publishes a timetable for the implementation of a new competition framework enabling rivals such as Chi-X to compete with ASX.
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report – January 2011
Total cash market traded value was $85.6 billion in January 2011, down 3% on the pcp, with a daily average value of $4.5 billion, also down 3% on the pcp.
Updates: ASX/SGX Polish Deal, AXA AP’s Last Report?
We had some news and movement yesterday in the two big financial services deals afoot in Australia: the proposed takeover of the ASX by the Singapore Stock Exchange
Interestingly the statement revealed that a couple of new products were being planned. They are:
"An Australian dollar interest rate swaps clearing facility for over-the-counter financial products - this will support the growth of Australia’s capital markets by strengthening links with global OTC markets and reduce systemic risks and costs to market users;
"A passport listings service - initially available for the top 200 stocks, this will enable streamlined admission arrangements for SGX issuers to join ASX (and vice versa) to expand their Australian and Asian investor base and improve their access to capital;
"Mutual offset arrangements – to enable holders of ASX and SGX derivatives positions to consolidate their exposures and reduce their costs."
Greens take on SGX-ASX deal: report
(FINANCIAL MARKETS) Comments suggest deal could face stiff opposition in parliament.
Greens leader Bob Brown yesterday gave further indication that the Singapore Exchange bid for the Australian Securities Exchange Ltd may face stiff opposition from his party regardless of whether Treasurer Wayne Swan approves the controversial offer
Singapore is paying a control premium for the ASX, and control is what it will get.
ASX's share price as a multiple of earnings declined from more than 25 times before the boom to about 16 times before the Singapore offer.
Singapore Exchange's price-to-earnings multiple over the same period stayed up at about 25 times as investors continued to value it as a monopoly
Whats up G7 /G20
G7 / G20. I think Martin Wolf of the FT sums it up nicely:
What the crisis has accelerated even more sharply is a shift in attitude towards the west and the US, in particular. As Kishore Mahbubani, dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, has noted, Asians no longer respect the west’s competence, battered as it has been by military misadventure and then financial mishap. Along with the changing attitudes has come changing responsibility. The shift from the G7 and G8 to the G20, at the peak of the crisis, symbolised that transformation. This would have happened anyway. But it happened far faster, as a direct result of the crisis.
Welcome to our economic future.
Martin Wolf, Financial Times
Who is in the G20?
France is very honored to chair the Group of Twenty in 2011.
The G20 was established in 1999, in the wake of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, to bring together major advanced and emerging economies to stabilize the global financial market.
Where is Dodd-Frank in Asia?
All Asian markets can be looked at in terms of Policy and Commercial responses:
Policy is “observe, wait and see”
Commercial is “prepare and see”
WASHINGTON - Republicans escalated their push to delay and defund the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reforms on Thursday as top regulators warned the US Senate Banking Committee of a staff and funding crunch
The G20: (6 Asian Members)
Country | Policy | Commercial |
G20: Australia | wait & see | No mandatory CCP |
G20: China | wait & see | ? |
G20: India | wait & see | ? |
G20: Indonesia | wait & see | ? |
G20: Japan | wait & see | Establishing OTC CCP |
G20: Republic of Korea | wait & see | ? |
HK | wait & see | Establishing OTC CCP |
Singapore | wait & see | OTC CCP: AsiaClear |
RBA, ASIC and APRA did a joint study of OTC clearing in May 09.
SEBI constitutes Committee for review of structure of market infrastructure institutions
Outline of OTC Derivatives Clearing Operations and Relevant Issues
Korean Financial Market Stability
Hong Kong SFC Announces Plans to Build Regulatory Regime for OTC Derivatives
AsiaClear complements Singapore’s global standing as a market for trading of interest rate derivatives and Foreign Exchange (FX) with counterparty and operational risk mitigation benefits.
Treasury unveils new financial services watchdog
A Deutsche Bank Research briefing which aims to shed light on who the players in HFT are, which strategies they pursue and whether their impact on market quality is beneficial.
Just Arrived: “At-Trade” Analysis of Transaction Costs
By Chris Kentouris
The Transaction Auditing Group said it has upgraded its software to allow for fund managers and broker dealers to integrate the post-trade analysis of their execution performance with their pre-trade strategies.
“We will be providing our customers with the ability to link the post-trade analysis with their pre-trade measurements immediately,” says David Shapiro, executive vice president of the New York-based transaction cost analysis firm in an interview with Securities Technology Monitor on Tuesday.
While broker-dealers are the main providers of TCA tools, fund managers are turning to third party suppliers such as TAG who they feel can offer more independent and granular metrics. Among those firms are Investment Technology Group (ITG) Quantitative Services Group; Pipeline Trading Systems and SJ Levinson and Sons.
*** I can see we are going to need some definition of terms on what we mean by “post trade” costs.
*You cant beat the spirit of these north Queenslanders*
I just got off the phone with a friend living in northern Queensland, which is bearing the full brunt of Cyclone Yasi.
He said that since early this morning the flood has been nearly waist high and rain is still belting down.
The temperature is soaring and the wind has increased to near gale force.
His wife has done nothing for hours but look straight through the kitchen window, and just stare.
He says that if it gets much worse he may have to let her in!
Scott Riley
Business Development
8th Floor 50 Bridge Street Sydney Australia 2000
((Off)+61 (0)2 8916 9634 È(Mob): +61 (0)418 117 627
* scott.riley@au.abnamroclearing.com
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